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нафталан (13/01 14:17)
Naftalan Therapy

Naftalan oil is unsurpassed unique factor in the medical world. Naphthalan - is a thick liquid consistency of black-and- brown color with a distinctive smell. the main means of influencing naftalanskoy naphthenic oils are hydrocarbons ( due to the presence in its composition cyclopentano - pernidrofenantrenovogo skeleton , which is a part of many enzymes , hormones and other physiologically active substances ) that have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, vasodilator , anti-allergic properties , and property activating the intensity of trophic functions and metabolic processes , stimulates the process of spermatogenesis , accelerating the processes of ovulation and oogenesis . All these features in many branches of medicine naftalan considered an indispensable method of treatment.

Diseases of the joints and periarticular soft tissues of the musculo - skeletal system .

rheumatoid arthritis (a disease Sokolsky - Buyo in the passive phase of minimum activity) ;
rheumatoid arthritis, polyarthritis minimal activity ;
specific infectious arthritis, polyarthritis ( undulant fever , dysentery , viral arthritis ) ;
deforming spondylosis, spondylarthrosis
Coupled with other diseases arthritis , arthrosis : gout arthritis , benign polyarthritis , vibration disease.
Diseases of the periarticular soft tissue and musculoskeletal system : Bourtsev, tenosynovitis , periarthritis, myositis, miofassit .
Ankylosing spondylitis .

Naftalan joint disease is a method of pathogenetic treatment . To enhance the effect of this treatment , along with naftalan , comprehensive physical and drug treatment. Naphthalan helps eliminate inflammation, reduce pain , improve circulation , exerting effects on the reticuloendothelial system , which play a significant role in protecting the body . Naphthalene stabilizes the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate , stimulates the growth of new cartilage cells , thereby recovering the articular cartilage.
As a result, a comprehensive spa treatment, including such components as naftalan , massage , physical therapy, exercise therapy can achieve better treatment . In carrying out targeted treatment reduced or disappear pathological effects: decreased muscle spasms , pain on palpation , functional disorders of the joints, resulting in increased mobility and reduced pain. The method of complex conservative treatment of sclerosis , conducted in parallel using balneotherapy , hydrotherapy , manual therapy , post isometric relaxation of the muscles , classic massage and physical therapy gives better results . In Naftalan spas are all necessary conditions for the application of the method.

Skin diseases

atopic dermatitis
pink versicolor
Tsikoz and other pyoderma
torpid ulcers
Keratoderma and others.

Naphthalan naftalanskoy and drugs used to treat skin diseases since ancient times. The positive impact of Naftalan oil on the skin helps to stabilize kerotenizatsii , increasing the number of Langerhans cells in the epidermis and restore them even distribution. A local anesthetic effect is manifested as a reduction in sensitivity of the skin and fabrics , which means that the naphthalene has antipruritic effect . Anti-inflammatory, desensibilizatsionnoe , antihistamine and analgesic effects Naphthalane were found in the treatment of diseases of skin and subcutaneous fat layer . Naftalan treatment of psoriasis , eczema, dermatitis and other skin diseases is now considered one of the most effective treatments carried out against those diseases .

Urologic disease

Prostatitis , urethritis
Infertility in men

In spas Naftalan conducted a comprehensive examination and treatment of urologic diseases , urinary and reproductive system, male erectile dysfunction , reproductive diseases of men and women.
As prescribed by a urologist used highly informative diagnostic methods :

ultrasound examination
Systems urinary and genital organs
X-ray studies using modern hypoallergenic contrasts.
The study of prostate secretions
The study eyakulata
Diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections
Diagnosis of viral diseases of the genital organs
The study of hormones in men and women
Bacterial division manufacturers definition of sensitivity to antimicrobial
Biochemical analysis of blood
Composition of phosphorus and calcium , creatinine, urea , uric acid , etc.
Clinical analysis of blood and urine

In the complex treatment of diseases of the urinary and reproductive system consists of the following treatments : Balnioterapiya ( mineral baths, naftalan - applications , rectal swabs ) , therapeutic shower ( underwater shower, Sharga , circular shower, with interruptions), prostate massage , massage the urethra by spokes , the spokes entering the urethra , the procedure for the seminal ves
Контактное лицо: roman.
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Город: russia SaintPetersburg
Телефон: +79522131484

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